Surfers Need A Surf Training Fitness Program

Surfers Need A Surf Training Fitness Program

Surf Training Fitness Workouts and the importance Of It for Any Surfer

Surf Training Fitness Importance For Any Surfer Surf In Guatemala

Surfing is one of those extreme sports that requires a lot more muscles than it appears. So, having a surf training fitness specific workout would be very beneficial. Most people think swimming and surfing have a lot in common. But they are far away from actually being the same sport.

Surf training fitness workouts are very important for all surfers of any levels. It can help with paddling, endurance, catching more waves, and in general just surfing longer. Workouts specific to surfing include exercises used by everyday fitness athletes, with added trunk and core rotation.

Anatomically talking, swimmers and surfers use the same muscles for boosting momentum in very different ways. For example, when a swimmer is doing freestyle swimming, it involves pushing through the water with the upper body, keeping the rest of the body long and straight while also rotating the torso and kicking feet for more boost.

Surf paddling is very similar to freestyle swimming in regard to pulling through water motion. Yet, a surfer is laying down on a hard floatation device called a surfboard. Consequently, there is less counterbalance and the surfer does not have to kick for added momentum. As a surfer, the back and core muscles are always engaged since it keeps the body in line and the head up off of the surfboard, looking for the horizon and being aware of the next set of waves.

Surfers, as well as swimmers heavily rely on their back, shoulders, and core muscles in various ways. Conversely, each sport represents lots of several challenges when training for their specific activity.

Swimming laps can definitely help surfers gain back muscles and endurance. But it can be challenging to gain access to a pool or open water for busy people. On top of that, surfer’s fitness demands more surf training specific fitness workout routines that can better prepare them for long surf sessions in the water.

Paddling is what makes surfers tired the most

 When it comes to surf training fitness; aerobic and endurance fitness comes in greatly when paddling on a surfboard. Surfing also requires lots of muscular power and endurance no matter the surfing level.

The goal when surf paddling is to balance yourself on the surfboard while moving forward so that you do not end up sinking in the water and waves. When sinking, it will create a drag which will eventually make your paddling power slower. This is particularly true when paddling a shortboard compared to a longboard.

Surf Paddling Is Very Tiring For Some Surfers Surf Training Fitness Surf In Guatemala

When 10 competitors were recently researched, it was acquired that their surf session was spent in four unique ways:

  • Low-intensity paddling (paddling to the lineup)
  • High intensity paddling (when trying to catch a wave)
  • Riding the wave (actually surfing the wave)
  • Post wave recovery (a little break after the wave and going back out to the lineup)

The rest of their time is spent staying in position for the right wave and waiting for the next set of waves.

When swimming does require stamina- surfing requires stamina and high intensity paddling power for catching waves in short burst. High intensity paddling requires more power and endurance than just surf paddling like going back to the lineup.

That is why, surfers need surf training workouts specific to the sport. Surfers need more cardio and muscle endurance to be able to be a better surfer overall. Surfing the wave can only happen when paddling hard and actually catching the wave. It is also the best part of surfing.

Just like a soccer player for example. The one that actually scores the goal could only have scored if the pass from their teammate was completed. If the pass hadn’t completed, the goal could have never happened. So, with surfing, you can only ride a wave if you paddle for it. And to paddle for that wave, you need endurance and power.

The Benefits of Surf Training Fitness

Just like any sport, surfing requires lots of practice to master it. But the key to long-term success for surfers is to master the proper movements and motions used when surfing. Those movements are practiced in and out the water in routines that are effective, reliable, and safe to do.

Benefits Of Surf Training Fitness Program For Any Surfer Surf In Guatemala

Surf training fitness will help any surfer no matter the skill level to surf longer, paddle harder, and getting fitter than ever. Obliviously, the best way to get better at surfing is to surf as much as possible. But for a lot of people, it is hard to get to the ocean every day. Especially when working all day, or going to school, and having a busy life.

The best way to still get better at surfing without physically being at the beach or surfing, is by surf training on dry land. Dry land surf training allows anybody to keep getting better at the sport and getting in the best shape of their life.

Surf training workouts will include specific exercises that will translate well to surfing and the movements done in the water. That is why surf training dry land workouts are very important to surfers. It is also why it is a necessity to practice as much as possible. The recommended times a surf training specific workout should be done is at least 3 times a week. It will keep the body ready for the next surf session and fitter than ever too.

Surf training workouts are only now starting to get inquired by the surfing community. But it is essential for surfers to find the right program and exercises that will focus on muscle strength as well as muscle endurance. The surf training program must also include cardio and paddling power workouts that will benefit the surfer in all aspects of surfing.

How can surfers use dry land surf training fitness for better surfing performance?

When the surf conditions are not the best and it is hard for surfers to get to the ocean for a surfer session. Surfers need to maintain their strength, cardio, and power while using surf training specific workouts that can be done anywhere at any time in just a short amount of time.

Keeping great paddling power and cardio will allow surfers to surf longer, catch more waves, and have stronger and longer surf sessions. Knowing how to paddle and having a very good cardio for it can also save your life. If ever stuck in a rip or if all the sudden the weather changes, paddling comes in handy to get out of those scary situations.

Surf Training Specific Workout Routines Any Level Surfer Surf In Guatemala

The different type of surf spots in the country you are in may also have an impact of the intensity of surfing needed. Beach breaks like Paredon will require surfers to paddle harder and stronger to get out of the huge rip current there.

Paddling surf training workouts will strengthen upper body muscles, particularly back, shoulders, and core muscles. Rows will allow you to practice the paddling movement out of the water. When using resistance bands for the rows, it will also strengthen shoulder and back muscles.

Russian twists will strengthen your core and will incorporate a rotation to it as well. It will make your body go from side to side, mimicking surf turns and movements when standing on a surfboard.

Squats will strengthen legs muscles. Leg muscles might not be the most important muscles to strengthen but it is also essential to strengthen for stability and mobility when standing. Squats will allow you to strengthen your leg muscles while mimicking a pop up on a surfboard.

These are just examples of exercises that could be used in your surf training routine. Do 20 reps of each, and 4 sets. You will feel the muscles burning and it will make you stronger when surfing.

Surfers can also benefit from other forms of bodyweight surf training workouts, such as yoga and Pilates. It will improve flexibility, core stability and mobility when riding the wave standing up.

The goal of surf training fitness specific workouts is to improve in and out the water all surf movements. It will allow you to paddle longer and stronger, have longer surf sessions, catch more waves, and ride more waves than ever before. You will also feel great with yourself.

When surf training fitness to become a better surfer, it is important to understand the goals wanting to be achieved. And to use surf specific exercises with more explosive power and better recovery methods.

When one goal is achieved, create another one and work on it. Remember, surfers should focus on stability, mobility, and flexibility, as well as strength and conditioning. So, adding runs, swimming laps, and sprints will help any surfer with conditioning for surfing when not actually surfing.

On top of getting better at surfing, surf training fitness will also allow you to become healthier, and fitter than ever. Even if you only surf a couple of times a month, surf training will help you stay in shape for those days and allow you to surf longer than before.

Learn good the right forms and training methods from a qualified coach and somebody that has surf experience, even if it is completely online. Surf Ranks offers a great variety of surf training specific workout routines for all skill level, ages 15 and up, and even offer gender specific surf training workout routines. It is 100% online and allows you to do your workouts whenever and where ever you are, even if it might at midnight on your bed.

Just remember it is important for surfers to stay in shape to be able to not be as sore when surfing next. Go and find the best surf training workouts for yourself that will help you achieve any fitness and surfing goals you may have.